Imagine, if you will

The scene opens in a high tech future where people are lounging about in flowing translucent clothing waiting for the Guest of Honor to enter. When he does, everyone is fulll of praise and shows him respect. Out main character is new to this group of people and she thinks it pretty creepy how people are reacting to this man.

You find out from a friend of hers what the accomplishment was: he has lived lives from the beginning of time until now in a virtual state. What would take a lifetime previously, you can experience in a day if you can handle the pace. It is mentally exhausting to live an entire life from the past, but it is supposed to be profoundly benefitial to come back with the knowledge of an entire lifetime summed up in one day.

But this person is different than the others who may have done one or two of these past-life regressions. What he has done is starting at the beginning of human evolution, he lived conteinuously until now. He did it over the course of a year in present time, but he now has 100,000+ lives that he has lived.

Now the reason that this group of highly educated and community=oriented people are doing this is because they hope to solve the big problem facing us now. We generated a virtually accurate historical copy of earth’s timeline from the first day that humans existed. Since then, we have left earth, it was, of course a barren wasteland when we did, and we begain exploring the universe from there.

But the problem is that there is something going on that stands to end life for all of us. It has to do with some mistake made back when we were on earth. The goal of these people is to comb through time on Earth in the hopes of finding a solution to what we face now.

The story would basically indicate that this guy, one of maybe a handful to do this, came back with the same horrible understanding of what happened and why and not only does he refuse to explain, he feels hopeless that there’s a solution. He is so certain of this, that he ends the program and tells everyone to be ready for the extinction level event–it’s inevitable.

But the main character, of course wants to know what’s up. So she decides to go back in time like he did, living an entire lifetime every weekend. It’s important to understand that she is doing this in a simulated history that is 99% accurate and so any changes she makes only affects the simulation. She can’t run into herself (though she can run in to ancestors, etc.). Each of these timelines is created with her history of timelines she’s gone through in mind. So if she grabs a shotgun and kills someone famous and then kills herself. She, comes out of the simulation–usually really freaked out. But when she goes back in, in a new life, that celebrity will be dead because someone killed them and then killed themselves. She won’t remember it was her, but it was.

The key to the entire adventure comes when someone figures out how to steal the history of the guy at the begginging. By popping into his timelines, you could live at the same time that he does. But while in the timelines, you can’t remember that this is a simulation until this hack makes it possible. This would allow you to speed up the investigation because while you are living this simulated life, you could also be aware that the real you is doing this from a simulation way in the future.

And it’s important that she do this as fast as possible because of what’s about to happen. Which you don’t even know.

During the exploration of these virtual timelines you figure out that there are key events that happened that affected so many people, you can’t change them. Every event is tied to everyone that experiences it and for you to be able to change it (without knowning that you are in the future and this is all a simulation) would require the computer to recalculate pivotal points in time and it would become too much. So instead, just before you can change a critical event in Earth history, something happens–you get sick, someone comes and kidnaps you, something to protect that big timeline without limiting your exploration of this little timline.

Eventually, she starts to realize that the simulation we created of Earth was killing us. Everyone did it, for fun or whatever, but when it was first created (by the guy in the first scene), he knew it would cause the eventual death of everyone who participated yet he still allowed it to happen. But he didn’t have the hacked version that would let her talk to him in the past to not only develop the earth simulation, but to also develop a cure that could be applied in the future. She can bring back the cure so long as he doesn’t find out that she’s doing this. He is racked with guilt and is going to cut the power to her simulation, standing her mind in the past with no way out.

Unless she can find someone who can engineer a solution that will work in the future and find a way to interrupt his past earth experience and return as him, leaving him stuck in her body. Come to find out, he had a hacked verison too.

In the hacked version, you appear in your current physical state, different attire, but you appear through a kind of portal. All she has to do is find his, return to the fuure with the solution and keep him from returning because he unplugged her (so she never go tthe portal to reopen).

The big reveal would be some cutesy saying that she always says coming from the man’s mouth–proving it was her in his head.


What would be cool is if this simulated earth history, only one person could use it at a time. (except for it was hacked). So your settings would affecvt your version of history only. But when she realizes how to jump into the first guy’s timeline by hacking the system, she has to convince him that it is all a simulation and that it is going to end badly. So badly that even he can’t figure it out in the future. So he has to figure it out now.

It would be wild, because she would understand that he was the bad guy, make him the good guy, then basically fuck him over in the future–because he’s really the bad guy. LOL

The twist at the end where you realize that she is alive, but in his body so she can make the changes to remedy the situation that he refused to do because of all the guilt he felt for creating it in the first place. Plus he is revered as nearly a god in the future, if they found out that he was so evil, everything for him would be ruined.

So when she returns, she is able to avert the disaster, to make changes to the simulation system, to waker her body up and go back into the simulation where he is and help him to exit through the portal her hacker friend made. But having been in his brain, She will know everything that he knows and she will be able to completely stop him when he tries anything. Returning back to the present he finds that he has stepped down and she is the new leader having recovered from certain death magically.

More notes:

I would love for the audience to get wigged out at the possiblity that we are going through this ourselves. That everything we are experiencing is virtual and takes a day in the future. When we die in this life, we just come out of the simulation when we started.

It would be tricky, but if you could do it, it would really be amazing.


You woul have to make the simulation competely factual and super accurate detail of everything that we know. IN the future, we’ll know a lot more than we do now, but all knowledge up to the future is reseved in the simulation at the timelines that it happened.

Also trying to explain the hierarchy of simulation decisions and how you can’t really change key moments in time, something always seems to happen. This is the simulations AI, but it can’t have a personality and it can’t talk. It can think and process data on a quantum level, but has no personality no goals, nothing cheesey

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